Successfully start a trading company in Switzerland: Your guide with Nexova AG

Are you ready to start your own trading company in beautiful Switzerland? We at Nexova AG are here to help you take this exciting step. As experienced experts in company formations and commercial structures, we make your company formation process simple, efficient, and effective.

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  • Switzerland offers political stability and low inflation, enhancing the trading environment
  • Features first-class infrastructure for efficient operation and high service standards
  • Benefits from a highly skilled, multilingual workforce aiding global communication
  • Provides a strong regulatory framework ensuring market integrity and consumer protection
  • Attracts businesses with its competitive tax structure, particularly in Zug


  • Successfully start a trading company in Switzerland: Your guide with Nexova AG
  • Highlights & content
  • Advantages of a trading company in Switzerland
  • Financial aspects of establishing a trading company
  • How Nexova AG can help you to establish a company
  • Step by step with Nexova AG
  • Why Nexova AG?
  • Start your journey with Nexova

Advantages of a trading company in Switzerland

Switzerland is a globally recognized trade and finance center. Establishing a trading company in Switzerland brings numerous advantages for companies looking to realize their global ambitions.

Stable political and economic environment

Switzerland is known for its political and economic stability. It offers a secure environment for companies, characterized by robust legal structures, a strong currency and low inflation.

This makes Switzerland an attractive location for trading companies that rely on a stable business environment.

Excellent infrastructure

Switzerland’s infrastructure is first-class, both in terms of physical infrastructure (transport, logistics, etc.) and digital infrastructure (internet access, data security, etc.).

This state-of-the-art infrastructure enables trading companies to operate efficiently and effectively while maintaining a high standard of service.

Qualified workforce potential

Switzerland is home to a highly skilled and multilingual workforce. The quality of education and multilingualism of the workforce are invaluable to trading companies, as it results in a high level of expertise and the ability to communicate with international partners and customers.

Strong regulatory framework

Switzerland has a strong regulatory framework that ensures consumer protection and the integrity of the financial market.

These robust laws and regulations provide a shield against fraud and abuse and help maintain Switzerland’s reputation.

Central geographical location

Switzerland is positioned in the heart of Europe, making it an ideal location for accessing key markets. It offers easy travel and excellent connections to other major financial and commercial centers worldwide.

Tax benefits

Switzerland has a competitive tax structure that is attractive to companies. The canton of Zug, for example, is known for its low corporate taxes, and therefore attracts many international trading companies.

Calculate the costs of your company incorporation here.


Financial aspects of establishing a trading company

There are several financial aspects to consider when establishing a trading company in Switzerland.

This section is designed to give you an overview of the key financial aspects you should keep in mind while planning to start your business.

Start-up capital

One of the first things you should consider when starting your business are the start-up and minimum capital requirements. These can vary greatly depending on the type of trading business and its regulatory requirements.

It is important to clearly understand how much capital you will need to start and operate your business before you begin the startup process.

Operating costs

Operating costs are another important financial consideration. These include ongoing costs such as rent, salaries, insurance, technology, and compliance costs. Calculating these costs in advance and including them in your business and financial plan is important.

Financing options

There are various ways to finance the establishment and operation of your trading company. These include equity, debt, and various forms of investor financing.


Switzerland has an attractive tax structure for businesses, but it is important to have a clear understanding of your company’s tax obligations. This includes corporate tax and VAT, and may also include taxes on dividends and capital gains.

Compliance costs

Regulatory and legal compliance can be costly, especially in a highly regulated sector such as retail. This includes the cost of compliance, paying compliance specialists, and the cost of audits and reports.

Liquidity Management

For trading companies, effective liquidity management is crucial. You must always have sufficient cash to meet your business obligations and respond to market changes.

Nexova AG has the necessary expertise and experience to support you in making these important decisions and help you build a sound financial base for your company.

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How Nexova AG can help you to establish a company

At Nexova AG, we pride our ability in paving the way for you to successfully set up your trading company in Switzerland. With our extensive experience and knowledge, we can guide you through every step of the process.

Comprehensive advice

We provide comprehensive consultation to ensure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions.

We explain the regulatory requirements, the costs, and the steps you need to take to start your business.

Administrative support

Company formation can be a complex task, especially when it comes to legal and administrative details.

At Nexova AG, we support you in overcoming these challenges. We help you submit all the necessary documents and ensure that all formalities are completed correctly.

Calculate the costs of your company incorporation here.


Step by step with Nexova AG

First steps

We begin with a comprehensive conversation to understand your business plans and determine the best strategy for starting your business.

We will discuss your goals, budget, and expectations to ensure we create a plan that is tailored to your specific needs.

Planning and structuring

After understanding your business goals, we start planning and structuring your trading company. We will help you choose the right legal form (joint stock company, limited liability company, etc.) and create an effective business plan.

With our expertise, we can help you create a solid structure that will give your business the best start.

Registration and setup

We also support you in registering your trading company. This includes the submission of all necessary documents to the relevant authorities and ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.

Structure and growth

Once your business is established, we will continue to assist you in successfully growing it. We offer a range of support, from outsourcing your accounting through our expert staff to clarifying complex issues with the tax authorities. This allows you to continue to focus on your core business, leaving the rest to us.

Calculate the costs of your company incorporation here.


Why Nexova AG?

Experience and expertise

Nexova AG has years of experience and extensive knowledge in the company formation and incorporation process. Our team of experts understands the challenges and opportunities that come with setting up a trading company in Switzerland and can help you navigate them effectively.

Personal service

We believe in a personal approach and work closely with our clients to ensure that their individual needs and goals are met. At Nexova AG, you are not a number, but a valued partner.

Network of professionals

Our network of professionals in a variety of fields – from legal and tax to financial services and wealth management – ensures that you have access to the expertise you need to succeed.

Book a free initial consultation with our experts.

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Start your journey with Nexova

Starting your own trading company in Switzerland is an exciting venture and we at Nexova AG are ready to join you on this journey. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you successfully start your trading business in Switzerland.

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